of the dragon explanation
2012 and 2024 is
the year
of the dragon. There are twelve animals in theJapanese zodiac
the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep,
monkey,rooster, dog and boar.
The dragon is the only mythological creature in the zodiac.
The Japanese word for "dragon"is, "tatsu" or "ryuu". There are three
kanji characters to express the
word, "dragon".
One ??? is in Joyo kanji, and the other one ??? is the old style
When describing a dragon as, "Juunishi", a different character ???
thanthe previous two is used.
Dragons are a
familiar motif in Japanese art, architecture and popular culture.
The "Chuunichi Dragons" are a professional baseball team. "Dragon
Ball"is a manga series. "Dragon Quest" is a popular videogame series.
"Tatsu no ko Taro (Taro, the Dragon Boy)" is a famous Japanese
folktale, which was made into a movie in 1979.
A "seahorse" is called, "tatsu no otoshigo (the dragon's lost child)," since itresembles a dragon.
I am so happy to have this cute Monchhichi family now.
of Monchhichi photos by
Andrea Grote.
You are not allowed to copy or publish them.
Thank you.